Pale Purple Office Address Registered Office Blount House, Hall Court, Hall Park Way,,
Telford, Shropshire, TF3 4NQ GB GB 884 6231 01
This page lists the main products Pale Purple have either released under an open source license, or are actively involved in the development there-of. In all instances, patches have been provided to the upstream project to allow others to benefit from our work.
There are also a few miscellaneous projects we’ve committed to, which are visible against our GitHub account
Xerte Toolkits is an online editor for creating rich media presentations. Pale Purple provide hosting for a couple of Xerte based website. A blog post about some of our changes can be found here
The Virtual Planner is a project that which effectively merges the tickets from multiple Trac repositories, displaying them on an easy-to-use online-board. We use this internally to allocate tasks to developers and to help planning.
In February 2010, we uploaded the code to GitHub to help aid development/collaboration with external developers
Postfixadmin is a ‘front end’ for managing virtual email domains and users, as well as providing the backend structure to hook into the popular Postfix mail server. Pale Purple have contributed development time to the project, providing bug fixes and new features (e.g. working on the vacation module). Pale Purple have deployed Postfixadmin to a number of customers.
This is an extension which is installed within Squirrelmail which allows users to change their password/set a vacation message/forward email using the Postfixadmin backend. Pale Purple enhanced the plugin, and added support for the PostgreSQL (as well as MySQL) databases as well as fixing a number of security issues with the code.
After being approached by a customer for hosting for a site running this software, Pale Purple added additional functionality to the application which included auditing, salted passwords and more.