So, we’ve just changed our website… why?
- The previous website was based on Drupal, but an outdated / now unsupported version, which would at some point probably give us maintenance problems.
- By moving to WordPress we move to something we have more day-to-day experience with
- The new theme has HTML5 elements within it (header, footer, article and so on) which should aid navigation and indexing.
- The website now supports mobile devices (Android, iPhone) (screenshots below)
- The previous site tried to display blog posts and tweets on the front page, which we thought was probably confusing – so now tweets are always in the right sidebar, and the blog now has its own distinct home.
- The migration has resulted in us creating a new theme, which we hope is simpler to navigate and less cluttered

The content of the site hasn’t changed all that much – one or two pages have been dropped which weren’t really necessary, and it’s prodded us into updating some of the content (e.g. examples of our work and so on).
We should have the appropriate redirect rules in to stop us creating any 404 pages or harming our SEO positions.