Pale Purple Office Address Registered Office Blount House, Hall Court, Hall Park Way,,
Telford, Shropshire, TF3 4NQ GB GB 884 6231 01
Interestingly, we seem to be the fish swimming against the current – and today ported a ‘watch’ sized mobile app to work on on a phone sized (Android) device. The original app was designed for Android 1.6 (ImWatch) – and after about 5 minutes tinkering we were left wondering what to do with the extra […]
We’ve finally published our Kashflow Android client – Kashdroid – which is now available on the Google Play store It’s available for free, and provides you with nearly all the functionality of the official web application – but integrates with your Android phone / tablet (e.g. address book sync, photo upload to receipts, maps/directions/navigation and quick […]
We’ve been busy writing a Kashflow Android app over the last few months; we think it’s pretty good, and would like to find a few beta testers – further information is available here
Our latest mobile app has just been finished and accepted by the customer (as version 1.0) – so congratulations to all concerned! It’s taken over 6 months of development. The application is used by engineers (so reports a listing of jobs available to them) and allows them to retrieve appropriate details and update job statuses […]
Tonight (2012/10/18), David will give a short (15ish minute) talk at the WooWeb meeting (Worcester, UK) covering mobile app development – specifically the advantages and disadvantages of developing using frameworks like PhoneGap or writing an app natively. Contents: Why PhoneGap? Disadvantages / Advantages of PhoneGap? Disadvantages / Advantages of Native development Example(s)